Architects E17
AE17 are a group of architects that live and sometimes work in Walthamstow. Established in May 2013, the group is keen to influence design decisions in Walthamstow and promote well considered development; we want to demonstrate that there is a wealth of local resource that can assist these decisions in a constructive and professional manner. We also consider that meaningful public participation in the planning process is vital, but there is very often a gap in the dissemination of information and consultation which we want to plug. As a Walthamstow resident I have been a member of the group since 2017. I have been involved in the organisation of two "chit chat" events held by the group, a PechaKucha style evening of presentations from creative people and companies working in the borough. We are currently planning for Chit Chat V later this year, particularly influenced by the borough's successful bid for the first London Borough of Culture.